During packing for hiking or camping only light materials are used because such activities include traveling long distance on foot. Thus, heavy loads are avoided and you will be able to use that weight savings for more camping gear. No doubt meals ready to eat are great option for such situations.
The concept of MRE initially was initially limited to military only because they are trained in packing only the essentials. However, it also must be remembered that unlike the backpackers or hikers they are required to carry heavy things also like arms and ammunition, weapons and communication devices. The MREs help them in staying very low as they don’t have to cook and remain hidden to the eyes of the enemies. In addition, carrying cooking supplies is impractical. A soldier or Marine would have to also carry the equipment and fuel to cook and potentially the raw ingredients to eat. These ingredients (meats, vegetables, etc.) can spoil easily and are hard to contain.
Meals ready to eat are ready for consumption, even without heating the meal. Most MREs taste better when heated, but in case there is a shortage of heating facilities the meal is perfect for consumption even when cold. This can be areas on the concept of MRE has spread among hikers and backpackers.
In the past, the MREs we were issued could hardly be called tasty and the only ones available to civilians were Military Surplus. They were usually either close to or past their prime. Many of the ones that were available online were misappropriated and sold but were not legitimate.
Today, Civilain MREs are available from various online stores specializing in hiking and camp gear. As a matter of fact these MREs are great option in case you are planning for emergency-preparedness. Let’s take a look at the contents of such meals.
It starts with entree, bread items, snacks or side dishes and beverages. An accessory kit is also included along with military grade flame less heater. A varied menu is also available with each of the sections mentioned above. Whether you are opting for custom or regular MRE, all the contents are well cooked and packed in military grade waterproof and tamper proof outer bag. Many of the contents are made by the same suppliers that the Military uses and are of much higher quality than those made in the past.
It is highly recommended to buy MRE meals ready to eat from online stores who have a military background because the concept developed from them. It is also recommended to check on the final menu available with the store.
There are many manufacturers in the marketplace for Civilian MREs. Some of the better known are MRE Star and X-MRE. Both have the same quality (or in some cases better) then their military counterparts. We at Hikingware carry both of those brands. In addition, we have worked with a major MRE supplier to make MREs to our specifications. One of the issues we had in the past was a shortage of water. We didn’t really want to use our precious drinking water to activate the heaters and using water that we didn’t trust wasn’t a great option either. So we ate them cold. Our idea was to find a supplier that would package our Custom MREs with small water pouches to use with the heaters that would not add much weight to what we were carrying. As it is potable water, if we don’t want to use the heaters with our meals, it is perfectly safe to drink.
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